
From Wikimini Coordination Platform
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WYSIWYG editor

Notes pour moi-même

  • Les traductions de base de l'éditeur sont gérées dans FCKeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/. Les traductions additionnelles propres à MediaWiki sont dans FCKeditor/plugins/mediawiki/lang/
    • Important: Pour que les traductions additionnelles propres à MediaWiki soient pris en compte, il faut indiquer lesquelles sont disponibles dans le fichier FCKeditor/fckeditor_config.js:
      FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'mediawiki', 'en,fr,he,pl,sv,...') ;
  • La langue de l'éditeur (code à 2 lettres) doit être définie individuellement sur chaque wiki avec la variable FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage (FCKeditor/fckeditor_config.js)

To be tranlsated

Technical note: Only the items that were customized for Wikimini are listed on this page.

Format dropdown menu in the toolbar


→ Source file: FCKeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/xx.js

[-sMiLeY-] Please indicate the current status for each language. Simply write "Waiting for translator", "In progress" or "Completed" at the end of each column, followed by your username. Example: In progress (Maya72). Should you edit a translation that was already marked as "Completed", simply change its status to "Updated", followed by your username.

Image modal window (RTENOTITLE insert/edit image)

→ Source file: FCKeditor/plugins/mediawiki/lang/xx.js

[-sMiLeY-] Please indicate the current status for each language. Simply write "Waiting for translator", "In progress" or "Completed" at the end of each column, followed by your username. Example: In progress (Maya72). Should you edit a translation that was already marked as "Completed", simply change its status to "Updated", followed by your username.

Link modal window (Fckeditor-Lien.gif insert/edit link)

→ Source file: FCKeditor/plugins/mediawiki/lang/xx.js

[-sMiLeY-] Please indicate the current status for each language. Simply write "Waiting for translator", "In progress" or "Completed" at the end of each column, followed by your username. Example: In progress (Maya72). Should you edit a translation that was already marked as "Completed", simply change its status to "Updated", followed by your username.